Saturday, April 08, 2006

here is an occasional nonplace to read and listen and see the happenings of feltbattery. there are other outposts in this universe; the feltbattery proper, for instance, but this one will be updated more frequently.
i will be doing an action on May 19th at the Local 506 in Chapel Hill as part of Soundscape Movement Fest.
The night will involve felbattery collaborating w/ a visual magician, plus:

AM Salad (experimental noise musician from Baltimore)
Investigating public spaces project (documentary
style=multimedia projex)
Alisa Cardone-Boston based video/dance artist
Followed by Robo Sapien-dance/music group!

Also, there are plans to hatch a CD next month (May). Trevor (often found roaming the earth as guitarist in Pelican) has been kind enough to offer to put out a CD which is tenatively entitled 'it had wings' on his burgeoning migrationmedia imprint. the record is a series of mutated bird songs, hacked apart by analog and digital means and sewn back together to suggest some kind of avian refugee survival kit for then, now and when....keep yer ears peeled.

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