Saturday, November 10, 2012

Preparing a new rendition of 'The Receptacle' for an upcoming aktion at Apothecary in Asheville, NC on December 1st. This will include guitar work by Willian Joshua Bratcher and slide projections by Mike Itkoff of Daylight. See you in the future...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

 Thanks to Trevor and folks at Adhoc for this kind ode:

Friday, October 12, 2012

Greetings All,
feltbattery will be playing 'out' at Nightlight in Chapel Hill this coming Wed. the 16th at 9pm or so.
Action will include: much magnetic tape, gong/bell/chimes, a broke trombone, inevitable pedals and a real guitar. This promises to be a good show so come on out and support local noises...Copies of THRESHOLDS LP on Blastocoel Sound and Behold A Golden Throng on Migration Media will be available.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blastocoel Sound 001: Agar Agar

At long last, the Agar Agar CD has been born: Copies can be obtained through bandcamp. i've learned a lot about group efforts and completion through all of this...hopefully i'll finish a lot more in the year of the dragon. There is also a remix of one Agar Agar 'song' up on bandcamp by Sr. Earwig for your perusal. Thanks to Matt, Will, James, Josh and Zak for the skills and motivation. I love making things.

More to come...